asset sensitive — Describes an entity s position when an increase in interest rates will help the entity and a decrease in interest rates will hurt the entity. An entity is asset sensitive when the impact of the change in its assets is larger than the impact of… … Financial and business terms
Sensitive Security Information — (SSI) is a specific category of sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information. In response to increasing threats against aviation security, including aircraft hijackings in the 1960s and 1970s, Congress required the FAA to create SSI to safeguard… … Wikipedia
Clandestine HUMINT asset recruiting — This article is a subset article under Human Intelligence. For a complete hierarchical list of articles, see the intelligence cycle management hierarchy. Concepts here are also associated with counterintelligence. This article deals with the… … Wikipedia
Capital asset pricing model — In finance, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is used to determine a theoretically appropriate required rate of return of an asset, if that asset is to be added to an already well diversified portfolio, given that asset s non diversifiable… … Wikipedia
Interest Sensitive Stock — Any stock with a price that is extremely sensitive to changes in interest rates. Interest sensitive stocks are shares that will see large price changes relative to small movements in the risk free rate. Stocks with large betas, which gauge a… … Investment dictionary
Long-Dated Asset — A class of income generating assets where the revenue stream is generated over a long period of time. Residential mortgages and 20 year bonds are examples of long dated assets. Long dated assets can often lead to problems for holders, especially… … Investment dictionary
Interest Sensitive Assets — Assets held by a bank that are vulnerable to changes in interest rates. This change can occur either when the asset matures or when it is repriced according to an index rate. The value of these assets is adjusted according to the rise or fall of… … Investment dictionary
Repricing Opportunity — The change in interest rate of an interest sensitive asset or liability. Banks earn income from interest, so their income fluctuates with changes in interest rates. A bank can minimize its interest rate risk and maximize its net interest income… … Investment dictionary
Net Interest Income — All firms can divide the balance sheet into assets and liabilities. For banks the assets are commercial and personal loans, mortgages, construction loans and securities. The liabilities are deposits from customers. The net interest income (NII)… … Wikipedia
Net interest income — (NII) is the difference between revenues generated by interest bearing assets and the cost of servicing (interest burdened) liabilities. For banks, the assets typically include commercial and personal loans, mortgages, construction loans and… … Wikipedia
positive gap — A term referring to an asset sensitive condition. A mismatch in which interest sensitive assets exceed interest sensitive liabilities. American Banker Glossary … Financial and business terms